Midwives Are Experts In Normal Childbirth
All-Inclusive Midwifery Care
Statistically, the safest place for a low-risk woman to give birth is outside the hospital with a skilled and licensed midwife. The SCV Birth Center midwives provide maternity and well-woman care for low-risk women, and offer births in our nationally accredited birth center or in the comfort of your home.
- Prenatal and postpartum care
- Non-hormonal birth control methods
- Clinical breast exams
- Fertility assistance and counseling
- Natural birth
- Home birth
- Water birth
- Lactation consulting
- Well-woman and gynecological care
Click the links or scroll down to discover how we can support you.
Lactation Support
Nutritional, Physical & Emotional Benefits
The nutritional, physical and emotional benefits of breastfeeding to both mom and baby are vast. Breastfeeding is proven to reduce the number of ear infections, improve immune function, and induce less gastro-intestinal discomfort (to name a few benefits). The emotional bonds and benefits cannot be understated. Moms who nurse report fewer incidences of postpartum depression, better bonding with baby, and the confidence and convenience that comes with knowing that you possess everything your baby needs to thrive.
Lactation support for your home birth or experience at the SCV Birth Center Includes:
- Breastfeeding assistance from certified lactation consultants immediately after birth to insure that mom and baby are off to the right start.
- Breastfeeding consultations at each post-partum visit to be certain that you and your baby continue to nurse successfully.
- Phone support throughout your baby’s first year of life.

A lactation consultant or other support might be covered by your insurance. We work with The Lactation Network (TLN) to help you get the support you need. Choose one of the options below to find a consultant today.
The American Academy of Pediatrics and other well-respected health organizations all agree that breast milk is the best food for babies during the important first year of life. However, it is very common for mothers to have many questions concerning lactation and breastfeeding. That’s why it’s so important to find lactation consultants they can trust.
Natural Birth
Tranquil Birthing Environment
Surrounded by the people you’ve chosen to love and support you through your natural childbirth journey, your labor at the tranquil SCV Birth Center may remind you of a luxurious hotel stay – except that these deep-seated tubs were custom built for water births!
Maternity Care With Our Midwives
Caring for you during this exceptional time in your life is our passion. As experts in normal pregnancy and birth, we monitor the physical well being of you and your baby while also addressing the important psychological and emotional components of becoming a parent. The care you receive during your pregnancy and in the weeks following your birth is tailored to the unique needs and circumstances of you and your family.
Each one of our appointments is an hour long, personalized session with our midwives. You can expect to see us:
- Once per month through your 28th week.
- Bi-monthly visits from 28 to 36 weeks.
- Weekly visits from 36 weeks until the birth of your baby.
- At your home within 24-36 hours after your birth.
- Back in our office for visits at 7 days, 3 weeks, and 6 weeks pospartum.
During each visit, we provide any necessary labwork, including blood draws, cultures and pap smears. Our postpartum visits include newborn exams and extensive lactation support.

Statistically the safest place for a low-risk woman to give birth is at home, or in a birth center – with a trained and licensed midwife. Many do not know that midwives are licensed health care providers and during a natural birth, midwives perform clinical or medical tasks such as monitoring the baby’s heart rate, doing vaginal examinations, and assessing mother’s vital signs.
Home Birth
Home Is Where The Heart Is
In the comfort of your home is where you’ll experience labor, delivery and compassionate post-partum care. Essentially the same support and licensed care, but in the place you love best. Home birth is another great option that brings families together, while also bringing your newborn into the world where they will first call home. There is nothing more special than beginning to create memories with your child in your home.
You can expect the following steps during your Home birth:
- Visits once per month through your 28th week.
- Bi-monthly visits from 28 to 36 weeks.
- Weekly visits from 36 weeks until delivery.
- Post-partum care at 1 day, 7 days, 3 weeks and 6 weeks, including newborn exams and breastfeeding/lactation support.
- Any lab work necessary, including all blood draws, cultures and pap smears.

Water Birth
Gentlest Of Gentle Births
Water birth is available both at the SCV Birth Center and for home births. Home birth parents may choose to rent or buy a temporary “birthing pool.” We will assist you in selecting the right tub for your natural birth needs.
Concerns about the safety of a water birth?

Well-Woman & Gynecological Care
Our Care & Licensed-Midwife Support Extends Far Beyond The Day Of Birth
Here are a few ways our licensed midwives are here for you:
- Annual pap smears
- Full physicals
- Non-hormonal birth control options
- Breast examinations
- Confidential HIV & STD testing