With Thanksgiving right around the corner, the season of holiday parties and seasonal visits has officially started. If you’re a new mom or you’re pregnant, you are probably experiencing a whole new set of hurdles – preparing for every situation for your little new one, and for yourself. The pressure to attend every gathering and party is exhausting. This holiday season, be super flexible – which includes having the ability to say no.

If you’re pregnant your body is already exhausted from running to the store, so the thought of getting all dolled up and going to a party makes you crave a nap even more. But of course you want to at least make an appearance, and have one slice of pumpkin pie! While these invitations can be hard to resist, just know- it’s ok to not go. Be selective and take care of you and your growing little one. If you want to know more about what is ok to eat or drink this holiday season call your licensed midwife!

The younger your baby is, the less time they have had to build up their immune system. It’s ok to ask people not to touch your baby. “Look, don’t touch” is a fair statement to give eager onlookers. Especially at the family gathering when everyone wants to hold the new little one, be super cautious. These months, November through March, are the most common time for people to be carrying small sicknesses and contagious germs. If someone wants to hold your new little one, just make sure they washed their hands first.

Everything in your body probably tells you to run away. You naturally want to protect and shield your baby from people and situations that will expose your baby to germs. Don’t worry about what people think or say. People might tell you “It’s ok” and “Don’t be such a nervous new mom.” There’s a reason you don’t feel comfortable bring your baby to the holiday party or that you aren’t at ease with letting everyone hold her. Lean into that feeling, it’s natural.

Our licensed midwives recommend waiting until your baby is at least 6 weeks old to take them to large group gatherings.