Many women don’t even realize that vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)s are an option for them. Even after traumatizing hospital experiences and difficult previous births, many women qualify for a VBAC. You may have had a scheduled cesarean or you may have been an emergency cesarean, but either, way your second, third, or fourth time around you may have more options available. Natural childbirth should be researched and seen as a very possible option for every birth.

Many hospitals won’t even see VBAC as an option for many hopeful mommies, but the licensed midwives as the SCV Birth Center review every individual mommy and will confirm if you are a candidate for a VBAC. Your eligibility for a VBAC is determined by the risk factors you face with your current pregnancy, as well as what risk factors you faced in any previous births.

With every VBAC the mommy gains confidence in herself and her body. She experiences the control over her birth that she didn’t get to experience through the cesarean. Many cesarean moms would explain the cesarean experience as voiceless, control-less, and drugged-up. Imagine experiencing the opposite of all that: having a strong voice, being in control, and drug free.

The physical benefits of having a VBAC include less scaring of the uterus, less recovery time, and a much lower risk of infection. Natural childbirth also lends its hand to a more active role for your partner. Having a supportive and involved partner will not only strengthen the bond with you but also their bond with the baby.

Call the licensed midwives at the SCV Birth Center today to see if you are a candidate for a VBAC. We’ve helped so many mommies achieve their goal of having a natural childbirth VBAC- let’s see if we can help make your dream a reality.