Pre-Labor Checklist

Pre-Labor Checklist

If you’re navigating the waters of your third trimester, you are probably being inundated with information along with tips and tricks for labor, prep, and postpartum. Stop, take a seat, and take a breath. Here are just a few simple tasks you’ll want to have completed...
Keeping Baby Warm

Keeping Baby Warm

While we are based in Southern California where we don’t usually have to worry about below zero temperatures, there are still plenty of days you have to worry about keeping your baby warm. Winter is often the time of cold weather, germy interactions, and constantly...
What does VBAC mean?

What does VBAC mean?

Many women don’t even realize that vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)s are an option for them. Even after traumatizing hospital experiences and difficult previous births, many women qualify for a VBAC. You may have had a scheduled cesarean or you may have been...
What Birthing Classes Are Really Like

What Birthing Classes Are Really Like

Whether you are pregnant with your first or your fifth baby, you are probably going to take part in birthing classes before your birth. Because each pregnancy is different, it’s important to be part of a community that can help you through your unique journey. Taking...